가입일: 2019 5월 12 마지막 활동일: 2024 2월 12 iNaturalist
I have been interested in nature all my life, from as early as I can remember. I have a particular fascination with lepidoptera, raising butterflies and moths from caterpillars when I was young, and attracting them to my garden. My interest now is mostly in photography, identification, and distribution. I am a member of NABA and have been a regional coordinator for BAMONA since 2012. Additional strong interests are in gardening (camellias, magnolias, native plants), hiking, birds, trees, and astronomy.
Having grown up in a military family, I have lived in different places in my life--Florida, Georgia, Texas, Arizona, California, Washington, Michigan, Massachusetts, England, Germany, and Turkey. I graduated from the University of Arizona. I worked as a hydrologist with the U.S. Geological Survey mostly in water-resources data collection and investigative studies, and reports. I retired in 2011 and split my time between a home base in Florida, and Alabama and Tennessee.
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