2023년 02월 21일 (화)

Identifier Profile: Fly Identifiers

It’s been a while since the last Identifier Profile (sorry about that!), so I thought I’d feature the top five identifiers of syrphid flies (commonly known as hover flies or flower flies, among other names) in North America this month and put together a sort of “oral history” of how they’ve built both resources and a community of identifiers for this taxa and region. I think it’s a great model that could work for other places and taxa around the world.

These identifiers are:

@trinaroberts - Trina Roberts

@edanko - Even Dankowicz 

@zdanko - Zachary Dankowicz 

@catherine_g - Catherine C. Galley 

@upupa-epops - Caleb Scholtens

Collectively, as of February 21st, 2023, they’ve added nearly 300,000 IDs to syrphid observations in North America. 

I’ve tried to make things roughly chronological here, but with an eye on giving it a narrative flow. Some quotes have been lightly edited for clarity. The “Fly Guide” referred to multiple times can be found here.

Even: In high school, I started photographing insects and identifying them with BugGuide. Almost every day I'd find new creatures I'd never seen before.

I first joined iNaturalist for feedback on plants, mollusks, and other groups not covered by BugGuide. I realized that iNaturalist relies on everyone to help, and quickly got started identifying isopods, millipedes, and other groups where a lot of observations were unidentified. In mid-2017, I started going through all the unidentified true flies of “Tropical Asia” (India to Vietnam and New Guinea) in the hopes of finding photos of Cacatuopyga flies (large, striking wasp-mimics only known from a handful of museum specimens). This eventually developed into my current fly specialty.

Caleb: I found out about iNaturalist from a blog post by @mikeburrell in spring 2017, I would've been in my second-last year of high school then. I was already hooked on eBird for keeping track of the birds I'd observed and had been craving something similar for other wildlife, so as soon as I figured out iNat I started uploading old photos of bugs, plants, herps etc. I had always been curious about bugs but had no idea how to learn about them, so posting photos and quickly having people put names to them was magical. 

Wanting to give back (and bored and procrastinating from schoolwork...) I started dabbling with identifying. I had the most experience with birds, but I found that helping with them wasn't very productive because there were so many other people identifying them already. After trying a couple other groups I settled on hover flies because they were relatively easy to identify, and at the time they weren't getting much attention from anyone else.

Even: Flower flies (Syrphidae) are a group of charismatic pollinators that can be fun to identify. Starting in mid-2018, I found it useful to organize checklists and tables of diagnostic characters for different species. Martin Hauser (@phycus), Bill Dean (@billdean), and several others set the stage with their notes on BugGuide. I shared my “notes” with the iNat community, but only a handful of highly-motivated people used them. My “note documents” were too dense to be quickly consulted, even for me!

Caleb: My focus with hover flies has been particularly on Calligraphers (Toxomerus), which are appealing to me because they're abundant and their abdomen patterns are really beautiful, plus they have a cool common name. Those things do apply to a lot of other syrphids though!

Once I had (temporarily) identified all the Toxomerus in Canada and the US, I started observing and identifying other hover flies, particularly Allograpta and other Syrphini, mainly using BugGuide comments as a resource. The new field guide for syrphids of northeastern North America came out a bit later and was helpful as well.

At some point I realized that writing out how to identify them in a journal post would have the double benefit of consolidating what I've learned so I can reference it when I forget something, and teaching other people if they're interested in helping (or just curious about their own observations).

Even: Caleb Scholtens (@upupa-epops) had some experience with Globetails (Sphaerophoria), Aphideaters (Eupeodes), and some other hard syrphid groups with a lot of similar species. I messaged him and he was enthusiastic about working together on guides to these types of flower flies.

I hoped that putting together a “field guide” of sorts could help people and encourage budding identifiers. Caleb and I started by making a “field guide” to common species of the tribe Syrphini in the southwestern USA. The guide was a big hit, and is now linked along with many other recent guides at https://sites.google.com/view/flyguide/species-guides/syrphidae.

Trina: I am a biologist (mammalogist and biogeographer) by training, and I work at the Natural History Museum of L.A. County, but that’s more because I’m a naturalist at heart than the other way around. As of 2019 I had started to use and enjoy iNat frequently as an observer, and I had done some very general IDing for the museum during the City Nature Challenge.

I was posting observations and other people were IDing them, but I wasn’t returning the favor, and I felt it was time I started contributing more to do my share.  So, over the winter I had decided some more IDing would be a good way to do two things at the same time: learn some California taxa, and do my part for the iNat system. My original goal was to ID ten times my number of observations and then decide whether I wanted to keep going.

Catherine: Even’s idea of creating The Fly Guide as an online document specifically designed to help identify live specimens in photographs has been especially helpful. I learned about it in September 2020 and started using it immediately to identify my observations. It is a wonderful resource but for the neophyte I was, there were so many characteristics and subtle nuances between species that at first I could not even notice some of the differences. Using the visual keys was a challenge but I was learning and as I became more familiar with the features I had to look for, I started taking more identifiable photos. I never imagined that I was just at the beginning of an amazing adventure.

Trina: When the pandemic hit and I found myself suddenly spending a lot more time than usual in my apartment, it seemed like a perfect time to pick up the IDing idea.  After some false starts I decided I needed to pick a group to focus on. It had to be something with some interesting diversity, preferably found in my little urban backyard, fun to look at, with enough field marks that a non-specialist could start contributing pretty fast, and with enough of a backlog that identifiers were needed.  And I quickly realized that it also needed to have some active identifiers who didn’t mind being tagged and asked questions, because being able to get some feedback is crucial to learning.  Syrphidae was perfect!  There were a lot of un-IDed and half-IDed observations that included common and distinctive species, and thanks to the existing regular IDers there were friendly and responsive people who would confirm, correct, discuss, and appreciate as needed.

[It became apparent early on] that there are not very many good, thorough, identification resources for photos. When Even launched the first Fly Guide mini-guides that really sped up my learning process for common species that I hadn’t figured out yet, and I still point other observers toward those frequently.

Even: After Caleb and I shared our first flower fly guides, Trina Roberts (@trinaroberts) began making a large number of IDs on west coast syrphid observations. Trina has taught us a lot in the discussions on observations, and she is now the top identifier for Syrphidae with >130,000 identifications.

Zachary: I’m a junior in high school in Bethesda, Maryland. In December of 2020 - winter break of my freshman year - I was incredibly bored and had nothing better to do than to play video games and read books. My brother Even, who was home because of the pandemic, offered to help me find something to do, and at 12:51 p.m. on December 23, 2020, I made my first real identification on iNaturalist, of a Palpada pusilla (Syrphidae) in Florida. 

I continued identifying the Palpada on iNaturalist and built up basic expertise of the Nearctic species. A few weeks later, Even suggested that I could work on creating an illustrated dichotomous key to the species of Palpada in the USA and Canada, and I agreed enthusiastically. We finished the key a few months later and Even posted it on the Fly Guide, where it is now available. Over the next year, Even and I worked together to create illustrated keys for all of the genera of the tribe Eristalini in the Nearctic region.

Caleb: I am really impressed with how much they've covered already and how regularly they make progress on covering new taxa. I helped with the Syrphini guide but most of the work Even did with hover flies was as I was getting busier with university and I couldn't contribute as much as I would've liked to.

Catherine: Aware that the number of observations grew exponentially, Even would mention The Fly Guide and suggest that I become an identifier. It was nice of him but I made sure to let him know that I could not do it because I had no credentials and identifying was scary. I enjoyed iNaturalist and I did not want to fill it with errors, despite Even and later Zachary reiterating that making mistakes is the way to learn.

Zachary: In July of 2021, we thought it might be nice to get some more people interested in syrphids through what Even calls “identifying parties” on Zoom. I decided to ask on the iNaturalist Forum to see if anyone would be interested. And boy, were they!

Catherine: I attended the first class, which took place at the end of August and soon it became a series of weekly sessions that have made a huge difference in helping me learn more and gain confidence. Zachary created excellent videos and the informal meetings have been conducive to ask questions and practice identifying in a fun way.

Trina: I was happy to be able to help review some of the Fly Guide keys, but I haven’t found the time (yet) to contribute any of my own. I have tried to do what I can to support the sense of community, because it is definitely part of what keeps me coming back and I hope I can help make this welcoming and fun for others. The collaboration among identifiers is a big reason why this works; we can fix each other’s mistakes and consult on the tricky cases, and we all learn more in the process.

Catherine: Little by little I started expanding the number of species I could identify and Trina has always been willing to help and explain her reasoning. I try to identify syrphid flies regularly and although I am still making mistakes I know more than I did,  I am still learning, and I am incredibly grateful to Even, Zachary, and Trina for sharing their passion and empowering people like me.

Zachary: After that success, we met, and continue to meet, almost weekly and have developed a regular gang, notably including Catherine Galley, whose studious efforts, stemming from the meetings, have landed her a top 10 spot for global syrphid identifiers.

Caleb: Thankfully several syrphid researchers are active on iNat now (possibly because of me emailing them with questions multiple times?), which is super helpful for making progress outside of North America where there are even fewer resources to go off of (@gilfelipe, @phycus, and @ximo_mengual have been quite helpful). It gets tougher there especially because there are so many undescribed species, and even described species often don't have documentation that's helpful for photo identification.

Even: There are many ways for people to learn more and give back to the community by making identifications. Making IDs just by looking for a basic photo match is a bad idea with flies, but the guides we’ve put together should help if used carefully. The best way to learn quickly is to try and ID a lot of observations, and hold back and ask a lot of questions whenever you aren’t sure! We’re always happy to see new people making IDs.

Catherine: In December 2021, Mike Quinn (@entomike), a coleopterist at the University of Texas at Austin, sent me an invitation to the open house organized by the Texas A&M University Insect Collection. I knew that collections existed but I could not think of what I could do there. I contacted a friend, Scott Longing (@scottlonging) who is professor of entomology at Texas Tech University and asked him if it would make sense for me to go there. Scott suggested that I visit the TTU Invertebrate collections and he put me in touch with Jennifer Giron (@jcgiron) the acting curator.

At the beginning of January 2022, Jennifer gave me a tour, showed me some of the syrphid flies, and let me observe one under the microscope. I was amazed that I could recognize that specimen. She invited me to volunteer, which I accepted. She trained me and one year later I am finishing digitizing and identifying most of the syrphid collection. Furthermore during this year Mike has been instrumental in teaching me how to use the collection in relation to my iNaturalist observations.

Trina: I had no intention of becoming a top identifier in anything, but it turned out to be a lot of fun and I didn’t want to stop when I’d reached my original goal. Each observation is a little puzzle to solve, and there’s always something new to learn.

Caleb: I finished my undergraduate this past spring and am working in environmental consulting now; with all of that I've had less time for identifying recently so it's great to see a lot more people identifying hover flies now! It's crazy how much more accessible knowledge and expertise about nature is now; for example I see young birders picking up skills and knowledge much faster than I could have because of all the resources and more experienced birders they have easy access to online. If you're inspired to create your own guides, don't feel pressure to make them super fancy or cover a ton of species or regions. If you feel like there should be a better ID resource for a group of 3 underrated species in your state, make it! And don't be afraid to ask people with more expertise for questions or review; they're usually happy to share knowledge about the species they're passionate about.

(Top photo: Oblique-banded Pond Fly (Sericomyia chrysotoxoides) by @hill_jasonm (CC-BY-NC). Photos of identifiers from top to bottom: Even Dankowicz, Caleb Scholtens, Catherine C. Galley, Zachary Dankowicz, and Trina Roberts.)

In order to keep this blog post manageable I did only cover the top five syrphid identifiers for North America, but they mentioned that the iNat community at large, as well as the help of experts, were vital to building the resources and community described above. I want to share one last thing from Trina, which I think is really important.

…In a group with this many observations, everyone’s contributions help us keep (sort of) on top of the pile of IDs. As well as giving credit where it’s due, it’s important that people know you don’t have to do tens of thousands of IDs to have it make a difference, and I sometimes worry that the focus on top identifiers and leaderboards can convey that impression! If you look at syrphids broken into subfamilies or genera, or locally within individual states, you’ll see lots of other names on the ID leaderboards, and their effort is critical. @matthewvosper catching up on the backlog for Eristalis and Syrphus (and making the Syrphus key); @coolcrittersyt and others who stay on top of observations for a particular state or region; @jane41 and @spencerchau sorting various taxa; @johnklymko, @phycus, @kevinmoran, @billdean and others being willing to discuss the tricky or less common ones; all the people sorting Diptera and Pterygota and Insects into families to begin with… there are really quite a lot of people involved in one way or another.

- you can check out past meeting invites on the Flies of the US and Canada project’s journal page.

- and/or join the fly identification group email list here.

Posted on 2023년 02월 21일, 22시 24분 07초 UTC by tiwane tiwane | 댓글 44 개 | 댓글 달기

2023년 01월 31일 (화)

A Fuzzy, Flower-Loving Scarab Beetle - Observation of the Week, 1/31/23

Our Observation of the Week is this Pygopleurus koniae bumble bee scarab beetle, seen in Turkey by @ozgurkocak!

A geological engineer living in the Karaman province of Turkey, Özgür Koçak says he’s always been interested in nature, but witnessing a fifteen day painted lady butterfly migration in 2004 was a watershed moment for him. He began to collect butterflies (he also collects, coins, flowers, leaves, stamps, shells, and other objects) but stopped in 2007 when he bought his first digital camera (he still collects some other insects for closer examination). 

Due to economic opportunities and the intensity of business life, I can only work in and around the region where I live. Last year I finished my great work “Lepidoptera of Karaman” and I published it as an amateur naturalist.

Of course it’s not just butterflies that interest Özgür, and he saw Pygopleurus koniae beetle you see pictured here back in May of 2019, south of Karaman. 

The place where this beetle is most common is the Central Anatolia region. In other words, the city and its surroundings where I live. Sparsely wooded areas and above 1200 m. altitude. Finding them is not so difficult: if you're wearing red clothes, they'll land on you. The only problem is they are on the wing during a very short period - maybe 15-20 days. You must be in the right place at the right time to find them. While males rest on green-leaved plants or feed on yellow and red flowers, finding females is a little bit harder because they are generally on the ground.

Bumble bee scarab beetles (family Glaphyridae) are large, day-flying, fuzzy beetles with, as Özgür noted, a strong attraction to certain colored flowers. Larvae in this family “are free living in ground or sandy areas (riparian and coastal dunes) where immature stages feed on the rooths [sic] or on decaying leaf litter and detritus that is layered in the sand” (source). According to Özgür, Pygopleurus koniae was thought to be endemic to Turkey have recently been spotted in Iran.

Over the years, Özgür (above) has shared his photos on multiple platforms, becoming friends with many experts and he’s published descriptions of 12 new insect species with the help of those experts. 

He joined iNat in 2017 and says “I shared a few photos when I became a member.”

These photos did not receive much attention and I did not share any other photos. Then I received messages that the photos I shared were recognized and I increased my posts. When I saw that some experts were making publications based on iNaturalist data, I decided to transfer my entire photographic archive to iNaturalist.

Sharing something is good. I believe that sharing the data you produce with experts is both good and important in terms of science. I would be very happy if someone sees these uploads and uses them in their own work or if they sign a good work with the inferences they will get from these data.

(Photo of Özgür by Kürşat Tan. Some quotes have been lightly edited for clarity.)

- Özgür is working with @heteropteran on the Heteropteran Fauna of Karaman project.

- We often think of bees, butterflies, and moths when it comes to insect pollinators, but beetles may have been among the first insects to visit flowers.

- Check out other glaphyrids on iNat!

Posted on 2023년 01월 31일, 23시 23분 41초 UTC by tiwane tiwane | 댓글 13 개 | 댓글 달기

2023년 01월 28일 (토)

Welcome, Sylvain!

Sylvain MorinAfter a long search we hired a new devops engineer: Sylvain Morin! Sylvain comes to us from GBIF France, where he was instrumental in setting up their ALA instance for managing biodiversity data. Sylvain got started with us at the beginning of January, working with Patrick to help manage and scale our server infrastructure as we grow, something Patrick has been doing pretty much solo up until this point. He's already been improving our backup strategy by adding more redundancy and security throughout the process, and generally getting familiar with our systems and practices. When he's not keeping our ship afloat, Sylvain is a father and a husband, and seems to be as good at building physical objects as he is digital ones! He told me he recently built a bookshelf and I was like cool, setting up an Ikea shelf is definitely pretty satisfying, but no, he meant buying metal rails, cutting them to size, and welding them so they wrapped around a wall radiator. Next level. Sylvain has been interested in nature for his entire life, but has become more interested in learning names and really understanding his local ecosystems in the suburbs of Paris over the past ten years.

Please welcome Sylvain!

Posted on 2023년 01월 28일, 00시 26분 45초 UTC by kueda kueda | 댓글 46 개 | 댓글 달기

2023년 01월 24일 (화)

Megaherbs! - Observation of the Week, 1/24/23

Our Observation of the Week is this group of Campbell Island Daisies (Pleurophyllum speciosum), seen in New Zealand by @genevieveearly!

Genevieve Early’s parents both have a scientific background and her father was an entomologist, so she tells me “I have always been encouraged to be curious and observant in nature.” She’s recently gotten into nature photography, particularly macro photography, and after having returned to university as an adult is “currently a postgraduate research student studying the effect of a native New Zealand fungus on invasive pines.”

Last year she earned a scholarship to travel on the Heritage Adventurer, “travelling around New Zealand's subantarctic islands and the Fiordland area. I was most excited to see the unique megaherbs on Campbell, Auckland and the Snares Islands, of which Pleurophyllum speciosum is my favourite example.”

Megaherbs (what a great name) are large, herbaceous plants with showy flowers that evolved in subantarctic islands. Potentially a form of island gigantism, these plants are an amazing sight, according to Genevieve.

Megaherbs form beautiful meadows of large and often colourful flowers on these cold and windy islands. The floral displays look more like something I would associate with tropical flora - almost jarring to see against the subantarctic backgrounds of tussock, cliffs and windswept forest or shrubland. Seeing the large Southern Royal Albatross nesting amongst the flowering megaherbs [above] was a highlight of the trip for me.

On the Auckland Islands and Campbell Island, megaherbs were threatened by overgrazing of animals introduced in the 1800s (sheep, pigs, cattle and rabbits) but the populations are bouncing back after these animals (except for pigs on Auckland Island) have been removed.

Genevieve (above) has been an iNat user since 2019 and used to post observations periodically and create distribution maps for her university work. Last year, though, she stepped up her iNat game.

In 2022 I set myself a challenge to get to 1000 unique species observed before the end of the year (which I narrowly missed, by not having an internet connection to upload while I was in the subantarctics!). Challenging myself to do this has changed how I view nature around me - I am both more appreciative of native/endemic species variety and habitats I encounter, and I am also more aware of common weeds and invasive animals as I now notice their impact and abundance. Using iNaturalist has made me much more clued up about the world around me and more likely to notice species I would otherwise have missed, as I learn to recognise and identify what is around me in different habitats I go to.

(Photo of Genevieve by R. Eastmann-Densem - @robbed)

- Pleurophyllum speciosum appears on the back of the $5 New Zealand banknote.

- Check out all of the observations of Pleurophyllum on iNat!

- Here’s an older video about Campbell Island/Motu Ihupuku that includes an interview with botanist Lorna Little about the island’s megaherbs.

Posted on 2023년 01월 24일, 23시 40분 36초 UTC by tiwane tiwane | 댓글 22 개 | 댓글 달기

2023년 01월 20일 (금)

A new Computer Vision Model including 1,465 new taxa in 40 days

We released a new computer vision model today. It has 69,966 taxa, up from 68,853.

This new model (v1.6) was trained on data exported exported last month on December 11th and added 1,465 new taxa.

Taxa differences to previous model

The charts below summarize these 1,465 new taxa using the same groupings we described in past release posts.

By category, most of these 1,465 new taxa were insects and plants

Here are species level examples of new species added for each category:

Click on the links to see these taxa in the Explore page to see these samples rendered as species lists. Remember, to see if a particular species is included in the currently live computer vision model, you can look at the “About” section of its taxon page.

We couldn't do it without you

Thank you to everyone in the iNaturalist community who makes this work possible! Sometimes the computer vision suggestions feel like magic, but it’s truly not possible without people. None of this would work without the millions of people who have shared their observations and the knowledgeable experts who have added identifications.

In addition to adding observations and identifications, here are other ways you can help:

  • Share your Machine Learning knowledge: iNaturalist’s computer vision features wouldn’t be possible without learning from many colleagues in the machine learning community. If you have machine learning expertise, these are two great ways to help:
  • Participate in the annual iNaturalist challenges: Our collaborators Grant Van Horn and Oisin Mac Aodha continue to run machine learning challenges with iNaturalist data as part of the annual Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition conference. By participating you can help us all learn new techniques for improving these models.
  • Start building your own model with the iNaturalist data now: If you can’t wait for the next CVPR conference, thanks to the Amazon Open Data Program you can start downloading iNaturalist data to train your own models now. Please share with us what you’ve learned by contributing to iNaturalist on Github.
  • Donate to iNaturalist: For the rest of us, you can help by donating! Your donations help offset the substantial staff and infrastructure costs associated with training, evaluating, and deploying model updates. Thank you for your support!
Posted on 2023년 01월 20일, 18시 59분 10초 UTC by loarie loarie | 댓글 16 개 | 댓글 달기

2023년 01월 18일 (수)

A Fascinating Frustule from Italy - Observation of the Week, 1/17/23

Our Observation of the Week is this diatom (potentially Cymbella peraspera), seen in Italy by @dgborin

“I'd say I'm addicted to nature,” said Davide G. Borin. “I really need a walk in the wood or a hike in the mountains at least once a week, and if I can't do it, my mood suffers.” And while Davide did end up going to a technical high school, he said his second choice would have been biology. 

Part of Davide’s interest in nature was sparked by a toy microscope he received in middle school. 

I liked it so much that in high school, as soon as I earned enough money, I purchased a good quality one that I used for decades. I still own it, but after a long hiatus, in 2016 my interest renewed, so I purchased a 1960/70 Carl Zeiss Jena Amplival microscope, a lot of objectives and accessories, and last year a semi-professional USB camera. I'm still improving my photomicrography skills.

While out on walks, Davide likes to collect water samples to put under his microscope, and these Cymbella diatoms were collected while he was out and about, and he made the image you see above through a pretty involved process.

I took the photomicrographs with 3 different objectives: Planapo 25x/0.65, Planapo 40x/0.95 and Planapo 100x/1.3, with oblique illumination and monochrome green light (frustules are colorless and monochrome light avoids chromatic aberrations). I used a pancratic (zoom) condenser set to N.A. 0.9 (25x and 40x) and N.A. 1.4 with double glycerine immersion (100x). I connected the USB camera through a 2.5x correction projection eyepiece, took the shots as 16 bit monochrome TIFFs and post-processed them with DarkTable, a free RAW processing software I use for all my photos.

I honestly don’t understand too much of that process, but the resulting images are undeniably compelling. Diatoms are tiny, single-celled brown algae that have a silica-based outer shell or frustule. Frustules have tiny pores for waste removal (they actually do go through urea cycle) and other functions, and come in many amazing shapes

“[On hikes] I take my DSLR equipped with a macro lens (usually a 150 mm) and wear camouflage clothes, to better blend in the environment 😅,” says Davide (above, in his outdoor gear).

I discovered iNaturalist about a year ago thanks to an advertisement in the local natural history museum. I subscribed immediately, but I started to upload observations only this last summer, so I'm still new…

iNaturalist is really helping me to learn about nature in a fun way: I didn't expect to find such a variety of species in a heavily anthropogenic environment such as the Padan Plane, where I live. I also like the idea to be able to contribute to science, even if only for a tiny bit.

- There’s a lot of great info about diatoms at diatoms.org. Did you know that diatoms produce about 20-30% of the oxygen we breathe?

- There are over 23k observations of diatoms on iNat, check them out!

Posted on 2023년 01월 18일, 00시 14분 29초 UTC by tiwane tiwane | 댓글 15 개 | 댓글 달기

2023년 01월 11일 (수)

Slimy Sawflies! - Observation of the Week, 1/11/22

Our Observation of the Week is this group of sawfly larvae (potentially in the genus Caliroa), seen in Germany by @ingrid_kulozik!

Ingrid Kulozik traces her interest in nature back to her childhood. Her parents took her on hikes, and she remembers her elementary school teacher collecting wildflowers with her class and teaching them their names. “Soon I bought my first plant identification book and used it with enthusiasm,” she says.

As a teenager, I was active in the youth group of the “Bund Naturschutz” in Bavaria: I mapped trees or helped rescue toads along roads at night.

My studies in landscape ecology gave me deeper insights into the diversity, interrelationships, and interactions in nature. But back then, 45 years ago, I also became very painfully aware of the vulnerability of our planet to human intervention.

This dichotomy continues to this day: on the one hand the amazement, the enthusiasm about colors, forms, strategies, and adaptations in nature, on the other hand the great sadness and fear about biotope destruction and species loss.

For the past two decades, Ingrid has been working as an environmental educator, “trying to awaken curiosity and enthusiasm for nature in as many people as possible and to pass on knowledge.”

Last June, Ingrid visited her daughter in Berlin and checked out several nature preserves, like the NSG Baumberge, which has a mix of grasslands, dunes, and forest, and where she saw this group of sawfly larvae on an oak tree. 

There I could make some exciting observations: A blue-winged grasshopper (Oedipoda caerulescens), an impressive sand wasp (Bembix sp.), and an antlion (Myrmelon formicarius) that moved forward through the sand at great speed. I discovered the Caliroa larvae on an oak tree and at first could not identify them at all, but was fascinated by the shared strategy and effectiveness of the larvae in eating the oak leaf.

Sawfly larvae, as Ingrid noted, often feed gregariously, which is believed to be a defensive behavior. Larvae in the genus Caliroa are also coated with slime, making them distastful. Nearly all sawfly larvae are herbivorous and, when ready to pupate, usually drop off the plant and pupate in the soil. Adults lack the narrow “waist” of most other hymenopterans and they generally feed on nectar. Adult females have a saw-like ovipositor for laying eggs in plants, and their common name is derived from that anatomical adaptation.

Ingrid (above, with Origanum vulgare plants in her garden) joined iNaturalist in 2021 but had been photogtraphing bees in her garden since 2018, when she joined a citizen science project (now collected here).  

Throughout the summer I photographed bees, tried my hand at identifying them, and was able to discover about 50 species in my garden alone. Since then, I mainly photograph insects and make them available on different platforms. Especially during the pandemic, when I could not work in environmental education, this was a very fulfilling occupation for me. Since then, my attention to detail and my sense of wonder continue to grow.

iNaturalist is a great help for me when identifying species I cannot identify myself. I also find it interesting whether and where the species have already been observed in my vicinity. In addition, I have been able to make some nice contacts through iNaturalist. I am impressed by the large number of experts who make their gigantic knowledge and a large part of their time available. The many people working together here give me encouragement and hope not to be alone in my efforts to protect biodiversity.

(A big thank you to @jtklein​ for help with translation. Some quotes have been lightly edited by me for clarity. Photo of Ingrid was taken by Ulrich Kulozik.)

- A Trichiosoma triangulum sawfly larva, seen by @kiwikiu, was an Observation of the Week in 2021!

- This iNaturalist observation by @alainhogue might be the first documenation of an Elm Zigzag Sawfly in North America. Here’s an audio interview about the find.

Posted on 2023년 01월 11일, 22시 50분 32초 UTC by tiwane tiwane | 댓글 5 개 | 댓글 달기

2022년 12월 31일 (토)

An Interview with Thomas Mesaglio (@thebeachcomber)

Last month I made my first (and hopefully not last) visit to Australia, and was lucky enough to have Thomas Mesaglio (@thebeachcomber) and his family show me the incredible flora and fauna of the Sydney area. I’ve known Thomas from his time as a moderator on the iNaturalist Forum, and he’s contributed to iNat in so many ways. He’s added tens of thousands of observations, hundreds of thousands of identifications, serves as a site curator and forum moderator, and also helps organize the Sydney City Nature Challenge. 

Thomas and another iNat user Corey T. Callaghan (@coreytcallaghan) have worked on several papers using iNat data over the last few years and their most recent, “The benefits of contributing to the citizen science platform iNaturalist as an identifier,” (it’s open access) had just been published when I was in Australia. 

So after a wonderful day naturalizing with Sydney-based iNatters @sofiazed1, @cynthia_c, @jennyvzo, and @eamonn_c, Thomas was generous enough to talk about himself, iNat, and that paper with me. Here’s the video:

- two other papers Thomas and Corey have co-authored are “An overview of the history, current contributions and future outlook of iNaturalist in Australia” and “Rapidly mapping fire effects on biodiversity at a large-scale using citizen science”.

- many, many, iNat users contributed to “The benefits of contributing to the citizen science platform iNaturalist as an identifier,” please check out the paper to see the entire list. 

- Thomas’s book “Seashells of North Haven Beach” is available here.

- take a look at iNat’s Identifier Profiles to learn a bit more about some of iNat’s top identifiers.

Posted on 2022년 12월 31일, 23시 00분 54초 UTC by tiwane tiwane | 댓글 39 개 | 댓글 달기

2022년 12월 15일 (목)

A new Computer Vision Model including 1,403 new taxa in 32 days

We released a new computer vision model today. It has 68,853 taxa, up from 67,553.

This new model (v1.5) was trained on data exported exported last month on November 13th and added 1,403 new taxa.

Taxa differences to previous model

The charts below summarize these 1,403 new taxa using the same groupings we described in past release posts.

By category, most of these 1,403 new taxa were insects and plants

Here are species level examples of new species added for each category:

Click on the links to see these taxa in the Explore page to see these samples rendered as species lists. Remember, to see if a particular species is included in the currently live computer vision model, you can look at the “About” section of its taxon page.

We couldn't do it without you

Thank you to everyone in the iNaturalist community who makes this work possible! Sometimes the computer vision suggestions feel like magic, but it’s truly not possible without people. None of this would work without the millions of people who have shared their observations and the knowledgeable experts who have added identifications.

In addition to adding observations and identifications, here are other ways you can help:

  • Share your Machine Learning knowledge: iNaturalist’s computer vision features wouldn’t be possible without learning from many colleagues in the machine learning community. If you have machine learning expertise, these are two great ways to help:
  • Participate in the annual iNaturalist challenges: Our collaborators Grant Van Horn and Oisin Mac Aodha continue to run machine learning challenges with iNaturalist data as part of the annual Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition conference. By participating you can help us all learn new techniques for improving these models.
  • Start building your own model with the iNaturalist data now: If you can’t wait for the next CVPR conference, thanks to the Amazon Open Data Program you can start downloading iNaturalist data to train your own models now. Please share with us what you’ve learned by contributing to iNaturalist on Github.
  • Donate to iNaturalist: For the rest of us, you can help by donating! Your donations help offset the substantial staff and infrastructure costs associated with training, evaluating, and deploying model updates. Thank you for your support!
Posted on 2022년 12월 15일, 23시 48분 46초 UTC by loarie loarie | 댓글 15 개 | 댓글 달기

Email addresses for iNaturalist accounts must now be confirmed

Until today, iNaturalist did not send confirmation emails to verify email address when anyone signed up for an account. The result is that many iNaturalist accounts have email address typos or have no email address whatsoever (usually because the account was made with Facebook and, due to your Facebook privacy settings, we were never sent your email address). 

This means that if iNaturalist needs to send you an email, you won’t receive it. So when you request a password reset email, for example, you may never get it. Or, you might be able to make two accounts by accident. We want to prevent these things from happening as they're frustrating for users and require staff support to fix. We also need to be able to contact you about your account if necessary. 

Starting today, we’re rolling out email confirmation to all iNaturalist accounts. If someone makes a new account, they will be sent an email to the address they entered when creating the account. They will then need to click a link in the email to confirm they received it in order to access their new iNaturalist account. 

Here’s how it works for those with existing accounts:

If you already have an iNaturalist account, you have until September 6th, 2023 to confirm the email address for that account. You can do so by going to your Account Settings at https://www.inaturalist.org/users/edit. You’ll see the following:

Before clicking on anything, please check the email address - ensure it is spelled correctly and is for an email account you can access. Otherwise it may not be sent to you.

Once you have checked and/or corrected the email address, click on “Send confirmation email”.  One last warning pop-up will appear before you are signed out of iNaturalist and the confirmation email is sent. You will remain logged in to iNaturalist.

After clicking “Send confirmation email” on the pop-up, check your email for an email confirmation message and click on the confirmation link in the email. It will take you to iNaturalist and you should see a banner that says "Your email address has been successfully confirmed."

If you do not receive a confirmation email after requesting one, please search for emails from no-reply@inaturalist.org. If you still can't find it, please email help@inaturalist.org.

Until you’ve confirmed your account’s email address, you will see this banner throughout the website:

UPDATED 12/15/22, 4:48 PM -07:00 - edited text to say that sending a confirmation email does not lock you out of your account, as that functionality has changed. An earlier update also removed text about those who have unsubscribed from past email as it was confusing.

UPDATED 9/6/23, 10:36 AM -07:00 - edited text and change confirmed-by date to September 6th, 2023.

Posted on 2022년 12월 15일, 00시 01분 19초 UTC by tiwane tiwane | 댓글 9 개 | 댓글 달기