가입일: 2022 7월 10 마지막 활동일: 2024 2월 11 iNaturalist United Kingdom
I am currently interested in studying the Leucocoprinus genus since these mushrooms appear to be very versatile in their habitats and seem to be becoming more common due to climate change and human activity. There's some potential applications for them I want to explore so I'm always looking to get samples to study.
I've become interested in studying the sclerotia in these species since they seem poorly documented or entirely unknown in many species.
In order to better learn about the genus I've created the Wikipedia pages for most of the described species so I've spent a lot of time just reading the taxonomy and descriptions on them and tracking down the original source material. I'll probably try to do the same for Leucoagaricus soon as that genus looks set to be combined with Leucocoprinus anyway. Wikipedia makes for a great place to collate material in references so it's more easily found for others in the future and iNaturalist is useful for trying to find observations of some of these obscure species based on the descriptions.
I've created some projects to help sort these observations:
I might try and publish in something peer reviewed at some point but for now I'm just writing up my findings in iNaturalist journal entries as they make for a great way of including observations on the site: