Guides help you learn about biodiversity all around the world. Whether you're exploring the Serengeti or just your local park (which might be the Serengeti), Guides can help you make sense of our planet's stunning diversity of life.
Panduan bergambar keanekaragaman cendawan di sekitar IPB Dramaga, Bogor
A handy guide for common mushrooms found around Prairie Park, in Lawrence, Kansas.
Esta guía es parte de las actividades de turismo responsable que desarrolla el colectivo de hongueros de la comunidad de Santa Isabel Mixtitlán y La Soledad, Calpulalpan, Tlaxcala. El objetivo es socializar el uso de la aplización Naturalista y realizar el inventario fotográfico de las especies d...
A guide of species of fungi at Taman Tugu, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Published by Nature Welfare Foundation with iNaturalist Community, Chhattisgarh
A guide to common fungi species living in the state of Massachusetts.
O objetivo é reunir espécies de macrofungos da Funga Capixaba a nível de espécie com identificações potencialmente seguras. OBS: Nem todas os nomes podem refletir a real identidade taxonômica do espécime ilustrado. A maioria aparenta ter boa acurácia. Esta é uma lista que estará sob atuali...
*Note: This guide is a work in progress but was published so I could show my mom, lol. Common mushrooms of the Coronado National Forest region including famous regions such as the Chiricahua, Santa Catalina, and Santa Rita mountain ranges. Each entry includes a brief summary of the mushroom with ...
Learn to identify some of the most common mushrooms found in the province of Alberta and the Canadian Rockies.
Ce guide va vous aider à identifier la flore fongique (champignons) du Liban. C’est un guide premier du nom, précurseur d’un document plus détaillé et bien référencé qui sera produit ultérieurement.
We have several species of Chlorociboria in NZ. They require micro work to distinguish. This list is taken from Biota of NZ. Genus Chloriciboria is included to indicate a species that is unnamed.
A guide of species of fungi at Bukit Gasing, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
This reference guide is designed to help identify the various species of fungi found at Bukit Kiara Hills, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Whether you are a professional researcher, a student, or simply a nature enthusiast, this guide aims to be a useful tool for exploring the fascinating world of fu...
This is a guide to the Fungi of the British Indian Ocean Territory. The species listed here are primarily those recorded in the publication: Please do add your ...
It's common for people to see Daldinia and call it D. concentrica, but we have several species. D. concentrica itself is a European species. The list is taken from Biota of NZ. Genus Daldinia is included to indicate several species that are either unnamed or uncertain.