가입일: 2018 4월 04 마지막 활동일: 2024 2월 11 iNaturalist
Zoologist (Entomologist) at the Karl Franzens University of Graz so as the Universalmuseum Joanneum. 1st author of the app: "Animals of Costa Rica", see: https://animalsofcostarica.com/ & the book: "Photographic Atlas of the Planthoppers and Leafhoppers of Germany". Specialist on mainly Central-European Leafhoppers and Planthoppers, but also interested in other groups like arachnids, grasshoppers & katydids, dragonflies and damselflies, butterflies and moths, beetles.
Current (bigger) projects:
Leafhoppers & Planthoppers of Costa Rica: Descriptions of species.
Fauna of the Organic Farm "Gunczyhof":
Fauna of the Natura 2000 Feistritzklamm & Tierpark Herberstein:
ABOL (Austrian Barcoding Of Life)
Animals of Costa Rica App ( https://animalsofcostarica.com)
Die Tierwelt Österreichs App ( https://www.tierweltapp.at/ )