가입일: 2016 1월 27 마지막 활동일: 2024 2월 11 iNaturalist Canada
I am working towards a pictorial key to the Elateridae of British Columbia. I am always interested in specimen as many key features cannot be seen in photographs.
Australian born I now live on Vancouver Island, Canada (via two winters in Ottawa!). I have always loved natural history. I have a PhD in Biology, have studied everything from southern hemisphere mosses, to Fusarium fungi and now barcoding marine molluscs keeps me in work. Moths and Beetles are my latest 'at home' interest but I am easily distracted by pretty much anything outdoors particularly if it is a little obscure.
I am also on BugGuide (http://bugguide.net/bgimage/user/84754) and use ebird.
Some of my moss work is here (http://www.anbg.gov.au/abrs/Mosses_online/)