가입일: 2023 1월 22 마지막 활동일: 2024 2월 11 iNaturalist
I am an amateur entomologist from central Arizona who is mainly focused on the genus Eleodes (desert stink beetles / pinacate beetles), though I’m now identifying Trogloderus as well. Sí puedo entender español pero no puedo hablarlo muy bien.
Feel free to @ me for an ID, although I’ll probably only be able to get Eleodes, Trogloderus, Neobaphion (and other Amphidorini),Asbolus, and Iphthiminus to species level. I am always enjoy to be tagged on an observation or explain an identification of mine, so don’t hesitate for either.
I occasionally identify on Bugguide, so feel free to have me identify something on there as well.
Pfp is Eleodes armata
My images are free to use as long as I get credited.
I made a key for the Eleodes species of the U.S. and Canada, subgenus Blapylis is keyed only to the rank of subgenus, but all other taxa are at least brought to species level, and for those with subspecies, nearly all are brought to that rank as well, although since subspecies are know to hybridize I would be cautious in determining a subspecies. I continually update it, at least when I decide that it can be further improved. If you can't choose between two statements, choose both and compare your outcomes. Most species have at least one observation, but there are a few, around 10 that do not, although searching for subgenus names should allow you to find papers with specimens in them. Let me know if you would like to to check an, observation or help with the key.
The key on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eFmmPiPeA57nQSG4Lhp-saTloFgfcFMI/view?usp=drivesdk
The key on my iNat Journal: https://www.inaturalist.org/journal/eleodesthermopolis/89708-v3-6-a-key-to-the-eleodes-species-of-the-united-states-and-canada
The genus Eleodes (Desert Stink Beetles) is soon to be split (the changes are only waiting to become official). The subgenera Blapylis, Cratidus, Amohidora, Metablapylis, Steneleodes, and Tricheleodes are going to be raised to genera, E. barbata is also going to be placed in its own monotypic genus. The subgenus Caverneleodes will also be split, half of the species will go to Metablapylis, one will remain in Eleodes, now in the subgenus Promus, two new genera will be made, one monotypic, and one with three species, and finally one will be moved to the already existing genus Neobaphion. Also, Amphidora will loose the two species E. nigropilosa and E. subdeplanata to Cratidus, making it monotypic with E. littoralis as the sole species. Some specific epithets will be changed, and overall, nearly half of Eleodes will no longer be Eleodes, although they will all remain in Amphidorini, which will get the name "Desert Stink Beetles" and "Pinacates" as it is the group now commonly with those names in papers. Personally I'm excited for this change, and look forward to it, and I have prepared everything for the taxon changes.
I would suggest that you try to lower your genus level observations down to at least subgenus level (something I've been doing myself for months now), as those that remain at genus level (at least the ones at that level not due to disagreements) will be brought up to tribe level, the AI is usually correct for the highly observed species, so it can usually be trusted, if your not sure, feel free to tag me and I'll have a look.
The paper with these changes: https://keep.lib.asu.edu/system/files/c7/205855/Johnston_asu_0010E_18396.pdf