가입일: 2021 4월 30 마지막 활동일: 2024 2월 11 iNaturalist
I am a Civil Engineer in New Mexico (NM) and all-around nature lover. Despite my many identifications, please apply your own judgement before agreeing with my IDs. Hablo español, pero necesito traducir muchas palabras científicas.
I am working on a revision of North American beetles in the genus Ripiphorus. Please consider collecting specimens for scientific research or loaning specimens to me if you already have a collection.
September 2023, my first podcast! Episode link and PolliNation Podcast home page
I mostly identify observations in NM and surrounding states. I like to help with insect identification, especially:
For Penstemon, please visit my journals (many incomplete, sorry).
Neighborhood ambassador with Friends of Valle de Oro to promote gardening for wildlife in central NM. I use iNat to track garden visitors and inhabitants (1,750 species and counting).
I obscure certain observations in Colorado, NM, and Texas for privacy. It's safe to assume that obscured observations in each state refer to the same area, unless they are an endangered species.
Other organizations I volunteer with are Xerces Society, UNM Museum of Southwestern Biology, NM Butterfly Monitoring Network and as an editor on bugguide.net. I am a member of the Native Plant Society of NM, Cactus and Succulent Society of NM, and American Penstemon Society.
Contributor at https://pollinatorweb.com, a resource for gardeners in Arizona and NM. Sunflowers are one of our favorites. Articles and posts featuring my garden:
Instagram: @desert_pollinators
Reddit: u/Pollinator-Web
North American Bee Parasites: spreadsheet
Since I always forget where to find it: Frequently Used Responses and Year in Review