가입일: 2016 5월 05 마지막 활동일: 2024 2월 11 iNaturalist Monthly Supporter since 2021년 7월
Idiomas/languages: português, English
I am a naturalist and conservation biologist living in Paraná, Brazil.
I like knowing that my records become part of an open-access data repository (GBIF) that helps us understand more about the other species for whom Earth is also home.
I have a pretty good knowledge of European, West African and Brazilian birds. I also enjoy learning more about all sorts of other animals, plants and other organisms. I try to be conservative about identifying organisms only to the taxonomic level I'm confident of, but I welcome corrections to any of my IDs.
Most of my recent observations are from the Atlantic Forests and other parts of Brazil, but when I can I am slowly adding older observations, including from West Africa. I tend to use iNaturalist primarily for my non-bird observations, and for observations that involve interactions between species. iNaturalist is a great tool for recording interactions! For example, here are my observations of species visiting flowers.
Useful sites:
WikiAves (birds of Brazil)
Hawkmoths of Brazil
Butterflies of Iguaçu and SE Brazil
Butterflies of America
Jumping spiders of Misiones (PDF)
African Dragonflies and Damselflies
Plant parasites of Europe - leaf-miners, galls, fungi
Leaf-miners of Britain and Ireland - and also just Agromyzidae
The Fly Guide
Aphid host plant lists
Barkflies of Britain and Ireland
Millipedes and centipedes
BSBI Plant Atlas Britain & Ireland
Flora e Funga do Brasil
Mycoheterotrophic plants
Key to Neotropical genera of climbing Cucurbitaceae
Projects I set up or admin:
Desafio da biodiversidade urbana 2024: Foz do Iguaçu
Birds on ships
Species associated with Guadua trinii
Biodiversidade de Murici, Alagoas (Biodiversity of Murici, Alagoas)
Biodiversidade de Parque das Aves (Biodiversity of Parque das Aves)
Anfíbios do litoral norte da Bahia (Amphibians of coastal areas of northern Bahia)
Leafminers of South America
Bioblitz UFBA 2019
Bioblitz Corvallis 2018
Bioblitz Corvallis 2017
Indented tree of the species I've observed