가입일: 2013 8월 21 마지막 활동일: 2024 2월 12 iNaturalist
I'm a nature lover, botanist and aspiring naturalist. I'm grateful to iNaturalist for helping me be better at all three, especially the latter. I retired in 2021 after nearly three decades of plant collecting and research at the New York Botanical Garden.
I specialize in Smartweeds (Persicaria) of North America. Since 2010, I've discovered three new exotic species established in our flora. Persicaria are gradually making me smarter and I'm working my way through the nearly 1/4 million observations here on iNaturalist as I learn more about the species. Keep those observations coming! For Persicaria it's helpful to get a shot of the whole plant and the habitat it's in; lower stems with ocreae and internodes; leaf surfaces and marginal hairs; and inflorescences.
I enjoy looking at your photos of Persicaria and I look at every one, even when there are five or ten per observation. But if you can only get one photo, a good rule of thumb for most species is to get a clear image of the whole plant including at least one inflorescence spike with a clear view of the lowest flower cluster and a good portion of the peduncle (inflorescence axis).
For many years I've taught a course, Pressing Plants for Art and Science. The next opportunity is August 25 – August 31, 2024 at Eagle Hill Institute.
All my images are public domain.