加入於:2020 3 月 06 最近活躍:2024 2 月 12 iNaturalist
My homerange is south of Vienna at the border of the Alps to the Pannonian Basin. I studied botany and ecology. Ornithology is a huge hobby. Odonata, wild bees and butterflies are hobbies, but in these subjects I'm still a very beginner. Since 2015 I'm publishing a local naturalist online-journal for the Austrian provinces Burgenland, Lower Austria and Vienna: www.bcbea.at. It is published in German with English abstracts. I'm part of the publishing team of Neilreichia. It is the botanical journal of the Austrian Association for Floristic Research; see: http://www.flora-austria.at/neilreichia_EN.html.
My identifications on iNaturalist: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=any&reviewed=true&view=species
Stats of 2022: https://www.inaturalist.org/stats/2022/brothernorbert
Stats of 2023: https://www.inaturalist.org/stats/2023/brothernorbert