가입일: 2008 4월 03 마지막 활동일: 2024 2월 11 iNaturalist
I'm Tony, and I'm iNaturalist's Outreach and Support Coordinator, which means I'm also in charge of our Observation of the Day and Observation of the Week posts! If you come across a cool observation you think should be featured, please message me; @ mentions are too easily lost in the shuffle so I won't respond to those for Observation of the Day.
If you have a technical or support question, please email help@inaturalist.org directly or check out forum.inaturalist.org. I want to keep support separate from this account, and email is also a much better medium for support than iNat messages.
I was born and raised in Hawaii, and reside in Oakland, California. I'm a former interpretative naturalist with several organizations.
I'm into photography and do some video on the side, including most of iNat's videos. I also occasionally write for Bay Nature magazine and was interviewed for the Nature's Archive podcast.