Welcome, iNaturalist Taiwan! 歡迎《愛自然·臺灣》
iNaturalist Taiwan is the newest member of the iNaturalist Network! iNaturalistTW is a collaboration with the National Chiayi University and Taiwan Forestry Research Institute.
《愛自然·臺灣》(iNaturalist Taiwan) 是 iNaturalist 國際網路的最新成員!《愛自然·臺灣》是由國立嘉義大學與行政院農業委員會林業試驗所共同協作維運的。
Taiwan is located in the transition zone between tropical and subtropical regions of Asia. A total of 70% of the land area is covered by mountains in Taiwan, while 60% of the terrestrial area is covered by forests. Therefore, complex mountainous topography and humid climate affected by Asian monsoon cause rich habitats and high biodiversity. The logo for iNaturalist Taiwan is the Taiwan lily (Lilium formosanum A.Wallace), which is widely distributed from the seacoast to the mountain summit over 3,000 m. The Taiwan lily was chosen as the logo because the scientific name “formosanum” is from the Formosa (The first time Portuguese sailors saw Taiwan and said “Ilha formosa”, which means “a beautiful island”). It can be representative of Taiwan people’s resilience and solidarity. Some indigenous tribes, such as western Rukai people, believe that the Taiwan lily is a symbol of purity in their culture.
臺灣位於亞洲熱帶和副熱帶交界,其中大約有 70% 的土地是山地地形,而 60% 的陸域面積是由森林所覆蓋。複雜的山地地形和亞洲季風系統所帶來的潮溼氣候讓臺灣有豐富的棲地環境和極高的生物多樣性。《愛自然·臺灣》的標誌是臺灣百合(Lilium formosanum),其廣泛分布從海邊到3000公尺高山上。我們選擇作為臺灣的代表標誌是因其學名 formosanum 是由臺灣的古名福爾摩沙(Formosa,葡萄牙水手第一次看到臺灣後,稱呼臺灣為「美麗之島(Ihla formosa!)」)而來,而臺灣百合也可以代表台灣人的堅韌與團結。有些原住民如魯凱族貴族的花飾文化視臺灣百合為純潔的象徵。
The iNaturalist community in Taiwan has been growing steadily since 2018 when Dr. Cheng-Tao Lin (@mutolisp) translated the iNaturalist website and mobile apps into Traditional Chinese. Dr. Lin is a professor at Biodiversity Research Center, Department of Biological Resources, National Chiayi University. Dr. Lin introduced iNaturalist in the courses of environmental education curriculum and engaged in promoting biodiversity citizen science projects. Recently, there are over 1.47 million observations, 30,000 observers, and 11,000 identifiers in Taiwan. Many researchers, citizen scientists, NGOs, and even government agencies use iNaturalist to explore and study Taiwan’s biodiversity and contribute biodiversity data for conservation policies. You can read more about earlier activity in Taiwan from the iNaturalist World Tour post in 2019. iNaturalistTW appreciates the contributions of many naturalists, citizen scientists, community members and especially the identifiers, such as the top identifiers @galanhsnu, @leaf0605, @jodyhsieh and @fernslu. iNaturalist Taiwan also thanks the financial support by the Taiwan Forestry Research Institute, National Science and Technology Council (MOST 110-2121-M-415-001, 111-2121-M-415-001), and Yushan National Park Headquarters.
臺灣的《愛自然》社群在林政道博士(@mutolisp)將網站和行動裝置介面翻譯成正體中文之後,從 2018 年就開始穩定成長。林政道是國立嘉義大學生物資源學系&生物多樣性中心的教授。林政道將《愛自然》引進環境教育學程中的課程,並致力於推動生物多樣性相關的公民科學專案。目前《愛自然》在臺灣有 147 萬多筆觀察紀錄、30,000 多名觀察者和 11,000 多名鑑定者。許多研究者、公民科學家和 NGO 團體,甚至是政府單位使用《愛自然》來探索與學習生物多樣性,並貢獻這些生物多樣性的資料於保育政策上。您可以閱讀 2019 年的這篇《愛自然世界之旅》 介紹來了解更多早期發展的相關細節。《愛自然·臺灣》非常感謝眾多公民科學家、社群成員與熱心的鑑定者,特別是 @galanhsnu, @leaf0605, @jodyhsieh, @fernslu 等協助鑑定,也感謝林業試驗所、國家科學及技術委員會(補助計畫編號:MOST 110-2121-M-415-001, 111-2121-M-415-001)和玉山國家公園管理處提供經費上的補助。
About the iNaturalist Network
The iNaturalist Network now has twenty localized sites that are fully connected and interoperable with the global iNaturalist site. Any iNaturalist user can log in on any of the sites using their same username and password and will see the same notifications. All data from all network sites are still shared globally and fully accessible from each site using search filters.
關於 《愛自然》國際網路
《愛自然》國際網路(iNaturalist Network)目前有 20 個在地化的網站,它們與全球的《愛自然》網站相連結與共同維運。任何一個《愛自然》的使用者都可以使用相同的帳號和密碼登入至任一網站,也會看到相同的通知。所有的網站資料仍會在全域中共享,並可以從每個網站使用搜尋篩選來存取所有資料。
The iNaturalist Network model allows for localizing the iNaturalist experience to better support regional communities and local leadership, without splitting the community into isolated sites. The iNaturalist team is grateful to the outreach, training, translations, and user support carried out through the efforts of the iNaturalist Network member institutions.
《愛自然》國際網路的模式讓 《愛自然》的經驗可在地化,以便在各國範圍內提供更好的社群支援和在地化管理,而不用把社群切分成各個孤立的地點。《愛自然》團隊非常感謝透過《愛自然》國際網路成員機構的努力來推廣、培訓、翻譯和提供使用者支援。
We would like to invite anyone from Taiwan to affiliate their account with iNaturalistTW!
我們想邀請臺灣的每個人來將您的帳號加入至 《愛自然·臺灣》中!